Varanasi Ganga Aarti & Subah-e-Banaras – An Incredible Visual Story

India Travel Tips, Uttar Pradesh

Last Updated on: Jul 11, 2020 

I will not digress here. I do think Ganga Aarti is one of the most visually appealing spectacles that I have seen. Varanasi Ganga Aarti and Subah-e-Banaras at Assi Ghat definitely tops the list, though I have also witnessed the splendour of Ganga Aarti in Haridwar and Rishikesh as well.

About this blog: In this blog, we are going to share our experience of watching the Ganga Aarti at Dashashwamedh Ghat and Rajendra Prasad Ghat (both are adjacent) and the soul-stirring Subah-e-Banaras at Assi Ghat. We decided to do a visual story-telling this time and so there will be lots of pictures of Varanasi Ganga Aarti. And of course, we will provide you with all the relevant information needed for witnessing the evening Ganga Aarti and Subah-e-Banaras as well.

Lighted lamps are used for offering Varanasi Ganga Aarti at Dashashwamedh Ghat and at Subh-e-Banaras at Assi Ghat

We have always faced a peculiar dichotomy whenever we think of visiting Varanasi. At one point, we think that we have been to that city for before as well. We have been there and done that! So, why again go there? At the same time, we are reminded of the beautiful Varanasi ghats that always spring a new story before us. We are reminded of the alleys and the chats and thandai and we are again set to visit the ancient spiritual city of India.

They say that the way to the heart of a man is through the stomach. But in our case, the way to the heart of us travellers is through the stomach. There are so many places where we have visited only to have good food! (Hiding my face now, don’t judge!)

The Varanasi Ganga Aarti is another reason of our love for Varanasi. No matter how tired we are, we do not miss the Ganga Aarti at Dashashwamedh Ghat. And for that matter, we also never miss the Subah-e-Banaras at Assi Ghat. Though we personally feel and enjoy the Subah-e-Banaras more, but both are equally spectacular. We think Subah-e-Banaras is a complete package with the morning aarti, classical song and the entire programme.

Varanasi Ganga Aarti – A Visual Spectacle

Varanasi is located at the banks of River Ganga. The spiritual capital of India has found mention in a number of ancient Hindu and Buddhist texts. In Rig Veda, the ancient Hindu text, Varanasi has been called Kasi which has been derived from the word Kas (meaning to shine). So, Kashi is also known as the city of lights. 

Kashi is also believed to be the original ground created by Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. There are so many legends and mythological stories attached to the ghats in Varanasi, each one as interesting and bewildering as the other. Varanasi is the microcosm of Hinduism and quite naturally, one of the holiest pilgrimages of Hinduism.

River Ganga, the holiest river in India flows by Varanasi. Devotees believe that a dip in Ganga at Kashi will cleanse then of their sins and fondly refer to the river as the mother. Ganga Maaiya is what the river is called by her devotees. To be honest, the Ganga is one of the most important rivers of Northern India and is the source of livelihood for many Indians.

Flowers and Lamp offered to River Ganga

Quite naturally, the river is revered in Varanasi. The people pray to Ganga Maaiya for nurturing them with her waters. The devotion and reverence to the river is reflected in the Ganga Aarti is performed in the ghats of Varanasi.

The Ganga Aarti is being performed in Varanasi for long. These days, it has become quite popular among the tourists as well. In the evening, locals, tourists, pilgrims, photographers and a huge crowd gather at the Dashashwamedh Ghat to watch the Varanasi Ganga Aarti.

Ganga Aarti at Dashashwamedh Ghat

Dashashwamedh Ghat is one of the most important ghats in Varanasi. It is also located close to the Kashi Vishwanath Temple. Every evening, Ganga aarti is performed at this ghat, which has now become a must-see experience in Varanasi.


So, what is an aarti?

Aarti is a Hindu ritual of worship in which light usually in the form of flame is offered to the deities. Along with it, sometimes, songs are also sung. The word Aarti has been derived from the Sanskrit word ārātrika which means the thing that removes the darkness. In Varanasi Ganga Aarti, fire is used to worship water, the giver of life.

The Ganga Aarti is performed by a group of priests. They wear the same coloured silk dhotis with golden borders. In the summer, you can see them wearing saffron kurtas and in the winters, they wear maroon sweaters. They have stoles across their shoulders. Together they look like a team and all their movements are totally synchronized.

All the priests move in a synchronized way during the Ganga Aarti at Varanasi

Though the Varanasi Ganga Aarti takes place at a number of ghats, the Ganga Aarti at Dashashwamedh Ghat is the most popular and attracts a huge crowd. Interestingly, the adjacent Rajendra Prasad Ghat also holds another Ganga Aarti and that is equally a crowd puller.

The aarti usually starts just after the sunset. There are a set of raised platform where there are wooden tables. The tables are covered with saffron coloured clothes. Various Puja items like flowers, conch shells, incense sticks, prayer bells, water pot made of copper, huge brass lamps are kept on the platform. These are used while performing the Ganga Aarti.

There are usually 7 platforms. The central platform is dedicated to Goddess Ganga. A statue of River Ganga in her Goddess form is kept at the platform.

Statue of Ganga Maiyaa who is revered as Goddess and mother in India

Before sunset, preparation starts at the Dashashwamedh ghat for the Varanasi Ganga aarti. Gradually, people start gathering at the Dashashwamedh Ghat. The crowd includes people from different backgrounds. A number of foreign tourists also come to witness the Ganga Aarti at Varanasi.

Finally, the priests arrive and take their places in front of the platforms. The Ganga Aarti starts with the blowing of conch cell. Then they venerate Goddess Ganga by holding burning incense sticks in one hand and prayer bells on their left hand.

The priests hold incense sticks in one hand and prayer bells on the other during the Ganga Aarti at Varanasi

Next, multi-layered prayer lamps are brought in. The priests pick them up and move these lamps in a synchronized manner. This is when the ceremony reaches its crescendo and we absolutely love to watch this. The small flames of the lamps look like specks of light on the dark ambience. The priests move the heavy lamps in the clockwise direction and they themselves move in the same direction.

Priests holding tiered lamps during Varanasi Ganga Aarti

Later, the priests take another type of prayer lamp that has a snake-like hood and move them in the same manner. We always look at these movements in utter amaze. Sometimes I think, what if the lamp falls. After all, they are quite heavy. But I guess, years of practice and devotion had made them perfect.

Prayer lamp that has a snake like hood is used during the Varanasi Ganga Aarti

After the veneration with prayer lamps are over, the priests wave fans made of peacock feather and another white coloured one. These are also a part of the entire Ganga Aarti in Varanasi.

Priests pray with a fan made of wool during the evening Ganga Aarti in Varanasi

Finally, the priests take flowers in their hands and offer it to Goddess Ganga. All these time, songs veneration Ganga Maaiya is being played in the background.

At the end of the Varanasi Ganga Aarti, a person appears with a plate to collect donations. You can give any amount if you feel like giving. It is not compulsory.

After the Ganga Aarti ceremony is over, the priests goes to the river bank and pour water in the river while chanting hymns. This marks the end of the Varanasi Ganga Aarti ceremony.

The Varanasi Ganga Aarti ends as the priests bows down their heads to pray

By the time, the entire atmosphere is charged up. You can see the smoke from thelamps creating patterns in the night sky. The senses go on an overdrive as you watch the aarti and listen to the hymns. You will totally not realize how the 45 minutes passed by watching this grand spectacle of light and sound.

As the ceremony is over, several women will approach you with flowers and small Diyas (lamps). Apparently, you can take the diyas and flowers and float it on the river.


This is where we have a bit reservation. I can totally understand the devotion of the people, but they do not understand that this devotion is also making the river polluted. There are so flowers, papers and other flotsam found in the river and it looks really dirty.

However, when we visited Varanasi this year, we saw that the authorities are quite strict with the cleanliness of the ghats. The garbage are being picked up and cleared. The dirt that we used to see earlier was considerably lesser. I guess the authorities have realized the importance of a clean Ganga and doing their best.

Flowers offered to Ganga Maiyaa during evening Aarti at Dashashwamedh Ghat

Watching the Varanasi Ganga Aarti at Dashashwamedh Ghat

  • The Ganga Aarti goes on for 45 minutes.
  • Starting Time: 6:45 PM

There are platforms where you can sit and watch the aarti. You can even sit of the stairs and watch the Ganga Aarti. The crowd can be as large as it can, but somehow they manage to fit in the ghat and watch the aarti.

These days, the boatmen park their boats in front of the ghat and at a certain fees, you can sit on the boat and watch the Ganga aarti. If you happen to get on the boat to watch the Ganga Aarti, make sure you bargain with the boatmen for the price. They usually ask an exorbitant sum and gradually accept at almost 50% of the amount quoted.

Boats in front of Dashashwamedh Ghat with people on it for watching th eVaranasi Ganga Aarti there

Subah-e-Banaras – Morning Aarti at Assi Ghat

While Ganga Aarti at Dashashwamedh Ghat is a bustling affair, Subah-e-Banaras or morning Ganga Aarti at Assi Ghat is a much calmer event. It is a collective event before dawn where you not only experience the Ganga Aarti, but also enjoy Vedic chanting, morning raga and yoga. The early hours of the day is also said to be the purest. During this time, Subah-e-Banaras actually makes you realize the communion between the Almighty and Mother Nature. You can totally feel the spiritual essence of Varanasi at this event.

Subah-e-Banaras at Assi Ghat before the dawn

Subah-e-Banaras occurs every morning at Assi Ghat. The Ghat is cleared for the Ganga Aarti and a number of chairs are arranged for the spectators. Since it takes place before dawn, I think the crowd is much lesser. You can see the entire Aarti at peace and also listen to the morning ragas.

Subah-e-Banaras was started on November 2014 as an initiative of the State Government.  The ceremony begins with the chanting of Vedic verses. It isthen followed by the Ganga Aarti. A tribute is offered to the five basic elements of earth, water, fire, sky and fire.

Priests performing Aarti during Subah-e-Banaras at Assi Ghat at the crack of dawn

The aarti ceremony follows the same ritual as that of the one at Dashashwamedh Ghat. After the Aarti is over, there is a rendition of classical music by young artists and sometimes by veterans. Benaras Gharana is one of the branches of Hindustani classical music. Songs and ragas from Benaras Gharana are usually sung.

The programme usually ends with a Yoga session at 7.30 AM.

Subah-e-Banaras is one of our favourite things to attend in Varanasi. Even if we have to wake up at an ungodly hour, we usually do not miss this one. There are lesser people, so taking photographs become easier. Also the combination of classical music with Ganga Aarti is totally worth all the pains of getting up in the morning. And yes, the morning clears our mind and purifies our soul. There is always such a wonderful feeling after watching Subah-e-Banaras at Assi Ghat.

Video of Subah-e-Banaras at Assi Ghat

Watching Subah-e-Banaras

You have to reach really early to watch Subah-e-Banaras. The programme usually starts by 5 AM in summer.

  • Subah-e-Banaras Ganga Aarti Timings:
  • During summer: 5.00 AM to 7.00 AM
  • During winter: 5-40 AM to 7.30 AM
  • Total Duration: Two hours approx. for the entire programme

Ganga Aarti at other ghats in Varanasi

Dashashwamedh Ghat and Assi Ghat are not the only ghats where Ganga Aarti takes place. It occurs at a few other ghats also but in a much smaller scale. We saw Ganga Aarti at Vijaynagar Ghat and Gai Ghat. But I think aarti at these ghats are not a regular affair and definitely much subdued. However, if you wish to see Aarti at other ghats in Varanasi, ask the locals,.

Evening Ganga Aarti at Varanasi

Some Tips for watching the Varanasi Ganga Aarti

  • Ganga Aarti and Subah-e-Banaras occurs every day in the evening and at dawn respectively.
  • There are no entry fees for the aarti. You can just join. For the Varanasi Ganga Aarti in the evening, you are, however, expected to make an offering.
  • Arrive at least an hour before the Ganga Aarti commences in the evening to get a good seat. It gets really crowded.
  • For the Subah-e-Banaras, there is no such rush, so you can arrive just before the ceremony starts. However, I would suggest that you not miss the Vedic chantings.
  • The timing of Ganga Aarti varies according to season. The evening one happens just after the sunset. During Kartik Purnima, the Ganga Aarti takes a different look. The celebration is grander during Dev Deepavali at Kartick Purnima.
  • Dashashwamedh Ghat, in general is a crowded place. It gets more crowded during the Ganga Aarti. So take care of your belongings.
  • Be respectful, but don’t get pushed around.
  • Make friends in crowd.
Tips for Ganga Aarti photography in Varansi

Photography Tips for Varanasi Ganga Aarti

  • For photographers, if you are arriving late, no need to fret. Let everyone take their place and then find your vantage point. We had arrived late for the Aarti last time we visited Varanasi. We took our places after everyone was seated and got a good point to take some awesome clicks.
  • There are no perfect positions for photographers. Be ready to run around a bit. You will get good angles if you adjust yourself a bit and be ready to move around.
  • Pack a prime lens and a fast telephoto lens. Also, carry your wide-angle lens.
  • Work on your timings. There are a lot of movements during the Ganga Aarti. The priests perform their rituals in a synchronizing manner. Observe them and click at the correct moment. If you are not sure, it is better to go and observe on the first day. The rituals are the same every day. So once you get a hold of what happens after what, you can work on your timings.

Varanasi Ganga Aarti in Photographs

Subah-e-Banaras at Assi Ghat in Benaras
A priest praying during the Varanasi Ganga Aarti
Varanasi Ganga Aarti at Dashashwamedh Ghat in the evening
Priests doing Aarti with prayer lamps and bells
View of Dashashwamedh Ghat from the boat
Ganga Aarti at Subh-e-Banaras at Assi Ghat
Reflection of the lights on the camera lens

So that was all about Varanasi Ganga Aarti and Subah-e-Banaras. Have you seen the Ganga Aarti at Varanasi or Haridwar? Do let us know in comments below.

If you liked the photographs, please share this blog with your family and friends.

Pin it for a later read!!

Subah-e-Banaras at Assi Ghat in Vraansi - Incredible India
Varanasi Ganga Aarti

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Agni Amrita Travel Blogger

Hey! we’re Agni & Amrita.

We have been travelling together since the last 15 years and writing independent and personal travel content since 2014. Travel is one of the best teachers and through this blog, we aim to share our experiences and travel tips. We encourage you to travel more and see the world through your eyes and not through filtered templates.

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  1. Afreen Ansari

    The aarti looks like the main highlight, totally in my to-viist list. Your blog make me nostalgic about Rishikesh and their ganga aartis too

    • Agni Amrita

      Ganga Aarti at Rishikesh is equally beautiful! I loved them there as well!

  2. Vidur

    High on my list of places to take my parents to. They would love to see the aarti

    • Agni Amrita

      I am sure they would love it!

  3. Nidhi Gupta

    Ganga Aarti at Dashashwamedh Ghaat is the reason I can visit Benaras again and again and again. The feel of being there during Aarti just transponds me to another world.

    • Agni Amrita

      Dashashwamedh Ghat is really full of life, You can see the entire Varanasi there!

  4. Pamela Mukherjee

    Beautiful article with beautiful pictures. I am keen to visit Varanasi for a long time. This time will take mom to attend these two performances.

    • Agni Amrita

      Thank you, Pamela!

  5. Sundeep

    One can feel the spiritual moments in the photos. Every photo represents the beauty of the ritual. The divinity of the place and prayers is oozing out of the pics. A great travel experience worth saving.

    • Agni Amrita

      Thank you, Sundeep!

  6. Raksha

    Yes I agree, watching the ganga aarti is a spiritual experience and it is something that cannot be described in words. I watched it twice – one at the Assi Ghat and the other one at the main ghat from the boat. Both of these were amazing and I can never forget what I felt.

    • Agni Amrita

      Thank you Raksha! Ganga Aarti is truly a great experience.

  7. Heena Dhedhi

    Those pictures are absolutely mesmerising… I really wish to start travelling as soon as the lockdown is lifted.

    • Agni Amrita

      Thank you, Heena!

  8. Priyanka Sengar

    I want to thank you for sharing such a great post about Banaras, and it’s a very famous Ganga Arti. Pictures are speaking the whole astounding experience itself. I haven’t experienced it yet but have a deep inside craving to be a part of Ganga Arti.

    • Agni Amrita

      Thanks Priyanka for your kind words!

  9. Raj Dey

    So so loved the pictures Amrita Di! I had last been to Benaras when i was 5, waiting for the day i could capture these moments with my eyes and camera.

    • Agni Amrita

      Thank you, Raj!

  10. Lancelot Quadras

    I have only seen different aartis in Rishikesh a few months ago. Varanasi, their culture, and the aartis have been on my list for a long time. I only see them on friends’ insta stories!

    • Agni Amrita

      Aarti in Rishikesh is also equally beautiful! Hope you see the one in Varanasi soon.

  11. Ramya

    Your blog brought back memories of Varanasi, I attended evening aarti and it was a surreal experience. Yes, I agree with your views, if one wants to take photos then we should be ready to move around a lot. I believe in evening the crowd enhances the beauty of the photos further.

    • Agni Amrita

      Thank you, Ramya!

  12. Avantika Chaturvedi

    This was an incredible visual treat! Your pictures have come out stunning and I loved reading about Varanasi from your perspective. I have always wanted to go visit this holy town, especially on Dev Diwali – let’s see if that’ll be possible this time or not!

    • Agni Amrita

      Thank you Avantika! Even we wanted to visit Varanasi during Dev Deepavali. Maybe, we should plan together when things are all right!

  13. Roshan

    nice post. Varanasi ganga Aarti is really a great view. Thanks for making the people aware about this tradition of India.
    Good Job

    • Agni Amrita

      Thank you!

  14. Raksha

    This post brings back my memories from pre-covid days where my mother and I visited Varanasi. The Ganga Aarti was surely a very different experience for me. We saw it from the ghats and from the boat at nights. Both the experiences were amazing and so dramatic. Loved it.

    • Agni Amrita

      Thank you Raksha! Ganag Aarti at Varanasi is a suureal experience.

  15. Debashis Mukherjee

    I am delighted with the article..I would like to know, how the bright lights can be cut without underexposing the priests? Did you use any filters? Some images are taken at higher f no to reduce the bright lights but the priests became underexposed.

    • Agni Amrita

      Use Variable ND Filter…

  16. Poonam Nayak

    Very well written. Just reading your blog makes me want to go and visit Varanasi and immerse myself in the aarti grandeur. Keep writing these amazing experiences.

    • Agni Amrita

      Thank you Poonam! Varanasi is a wonderful place.

  17. Flappy Bird

    Best article of the day I read, I appreciate you sharing this information. I will visit your website often.


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