Best Nepal Quotes that captures its spirit, mysticism and charm

Nepal, Quotes

Last Updated on: Dec 1, 2019 

Mountains, lakes, medieval cities and temples and vibrant culture – Nepal has almost everything. This small Himalayan country is the Holy Grail for adventure lovers. Some of the most iconic hiking trails of Himalayas are found in Nepal. So here are a few Quotes on Nepal that describes the beauty of this country. If you are looking for some travel inspirations or Nepal instagram captions, these quotes might help you.

The country is for all types of travellers. Nepal is the land of high mountains. Eight of the world’s highest peaks can be found in Nepal. Not only that the place can give you the ultimate adrenaline rush with its adventure activities like bungee jumping, paragliding, white water rafting and a helicopter ride above the Everest. For wildlife lovers too, Nepal offers a wide range of experiences.

Planning a trip to Nepal? Read our comprehensive Guide on Nepal to help you plan your trip.

Those who love cities and ancient culture, Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur will definitely strike a chord. The old lanes and alleys of these medieval cities have something so upbeat and unique about them. Though Nepal is a Hindu nation, the country is also the birthplace of Lord Buddha. So you will definitely come across serene stupas and fluttering prayer flags across the country. Lumbini is the birthplace of Lord Buddha and is one of the must-visit places in Nepal.

So here are a few of our favourite Nepal quotes that will tell you how travellers feel about Nepal.

Table of Contents

Quotes on Nepal & Nepal Travel Quotes

  1. Heaven is a myth, Nepal is real.

Quotes on Nepal

  1. Chasing angels or fleeing demons, go to the mountains. – Jeffrey Rasley

Mountain quotes

  1. The mountains were so wild and so stark and so very beautiful that I wanted to cry. I breathed in another wonderful moment to keep safe in my heart. – Jane Wilson- Howarth

Everest Quotes

  1. If a man says he is not afraid of dying, he is either lying or is a Gurkha. – Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw

Nepal Quotes

  1. I enjoy load shedding in Nepal, when it allows me to witness the dancing of fireflies in the next field, and at the same time to hear children playing a chanting clapping game because there is no TV to waste their time on. – Andrew James Pritchard

Nepal cultural quotes

  1. A Glimpse of Eternal Snows celebrates Nepali wildlife: a smooth grey boulder lifts its head to become a rhinoceros; a langur look-out hysterically grunts the alarm from the treetop as a tiger merges into the dappled scrub; and a menacing mantis makes her home in the makeshift bathroom and refuses to become a pet. – Jane Wilson Howarth

Nepal Adventure Quotes

  1. Namaste – It was a Nepalese greeting. It meant: The light within me bows to the light within you. – Jennifer Donnelly

Nepal quotes

  1. A brief visit to Nepal started my insatiable love for Asian art. – Author: Richard Ernst

Nepal sayings

  1. If Nepal is to become a new Nepal, she must first become free from ethnic segregation. – Santosh   Kalwar

Culture quotes

  1. You can take my body out of Nepal but you can never take my soul and Heart from a Nepal – Suraj Dahal

Nepal sayings

  1. Travel teaches tolerance. – Benjamin Disraeli

Travel quotes

  1. Nepal is a beautiful country with a lot of holy places. I also like the country because it’s close to the Himalayas. According to  Hindu mythology, that’s the abode of Lord Shiva. – Kailash  Kher

Quotes on Nepal

  1. Nepali outlook, pace and philosophy had prevented us from being swamped by our problems. In Nepal, it was easier to take life day by day. – Jane Wilson-Howarth

  1. Tourists who come to Nepal look at terraced fields and see their beauty but remain blind to the hard labour they extract from tillers. –Manjushree Thapa

Nepal quotes

  1. Her singing was a deep, yearning subconscious desire to go back to a time when the Nepali identity wasn’t sullied by external forces. –Samrat Upadhyay

  1. Travel wherever your heart wishes. –Nipendra Maharjan

Travel quotes

  1. Nepal: once is not enough. –Iumlenepal

Nepal Quotes

  1. I like the way Nepalis point by pouting their lips; they reckon pointing with a finger is rude. –Jane Wilson-Howarth

Quotes about Nepal

  1. I think of the irony that in our language [Nepali] the word for love can also mean deceit.-Jane Wilson-Howarth

Nepal quotes

  1. The Valley was settled, civilised and debauched – a depthless lake levelling out to a cluster of paddy-fringed temple cities that eventually merged into a sprawling dust bowl of a metropolis. Today the Bagmati [river] has shrunk to a snail’s trail of gooey sewage. Modern-day Kathmandu festers around it, three million souls crouched across 900 square kilometres, hoarding the fat of the land, awaiting the day of reckoning. –Rabi Thapa

Rabi Thapa Quotes

  1. The monkey-thief was fast. He didn’t even look back as he shot back up the tree to enjoy my lunch. Another rhesus monkey reached into my day-sack and cantered away awkwardly with a bigger prize. –Jane Wilson-Howarth


  1. I have climbed Everest from the Nepal route and the China route. The other routes are too hard for me. So I don’t think I can climb Everest again. -Tamae Watanabe

Everest Quotes

  1. Beliefs divide us; values unite us. –Jeff Rasley

Culture quotes on Nepal

  1. The stupa is a white dome with a conical stone tower emerging from its center. There are two eyes painted on the tower, the all-seeing eyes of Buddha. They’re purple and look a little sinister, like an Old Testament Buddha. –Joshua Isard

Nepal Quotes

And now a few for the avid mountaineers | Quotes on Everest 

  1. You do not climb a mountain like Everest by trying to race ahead on your own, or by competing with your comrades. You do it slowly are carefully, by unselfish teamwork. Certainly, I wanted to reach the top by myself; it was the one thing that I had dreamed of all my life. But if the lot fell to someone else, I would take it like a man, and not a crybaby — for that is the mountain way. – Tenzing Norgay

Everest Quotes

  1. Because it’s there. – George Mallory

Everest Quotes

  1. Everest has always been a magnet for kooks, publicity seekers, hopeless romantics and others with a shaky hold on reality. – Jon Krakauer

Jon Krakauer Everest quotes

  1. The way to Everest is not a Yellow Brick Road.” – Krakauer

Jon Krakauer Everest quotes

  1. This forms the nub of a dilemma that every Everest climber eventually comes up against: in order to succeed you must be exceedingly driven, but if you’re too driven you’re likely to die. – Krakauer

Jon Krakauer Everest quotes

  1. On June 1 George told Ruth it would have been ‘unbearable’ to miss the final attempt. His frostbitten fingers might suffer further damage, but he declared: ‘The game is worth a finger. ― Peter Gillman, Wildest Dream: The Biography of George Mallory

Everest Quotes


Enjoyed reading Quotes on Nepal & Everest? Pin it!

Nepal Travel Quotes

Recomended Read: Trekking in Nepal and all that you want to know.

Quotes on Everest



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  1. Andrew James Pritchard

    Thank you for using one of my quotes (#5), It is nice that my words get noticed from time to time, and it is an honour to be included in a list with so many famous and renowned people who are connected to Nepal.

    • Agni Amrita

      We should thank you! 🙂 We simply agree with what you said.


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