Authentic India: What Not to Miss

Guest Post

Last Updated on: Jun 22, 2023 

Travelling to India is the perfect opportunity for having a wonderful experience. From world heritage sites to countless other tourist attractions, there are plenty of authentic destinations to be found. For anyone adventuring to this country, the guide below is the place to find out exactly how to discover authentic India. Here’s what not to miss. 

Five Unmissable Places to See

There are five great places you must visit if you want a genuine adventure with true India vibes guiding the way. 

The Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal Agra

One of the seven Wonders of the World, the Taj Mahal is something magnificent to behold. Built over 17 years, its intricate design is something that will stay with you for a lifetime. The history behind it is a story worth exploring, and you simply cannot visit India without it. 

The Gateway of India

In Mumbai, you will find the Gateway of India. Built to celebrate the arrival of a King, it stands tall, as a thing of beauty for all visitors and residents to gaze upon whenever they wish. Situated by the harbour, this gateway has welcomed many a visitor and will continue to do so for years to come. 

Agra Fort

With palaces, gardens, stunning architecture, and more sandstone than you could ever imagine, the Agra Fort will capture your adventurer’s attention. There is a lot to be discovered here, and you need a good few days to explore it properly. 

Ajanta Caves

The Ajanta Caves are some of the oldest in the world. Their history is strong, and these mysterious natural structures were untouched for many years until rediscovery. You can visit them and become lost in the magical atmosphere and ancient murals. 

Kailasa Temple

The Kailasa Temple dates back to AD 760 and is one of the most impactful temples in the whole of India. It is vast and compelling, and there is much to be found within. 

Tips for an Authentic Experience

Aside from the main highlights location-wise, the authentic India has other sides too. For a full spectrum of experiences, try the things listed below too. 

Take a Cooking Class

Chooda Matar - Street Food in Varanasi

One thing every traveller heading to India can never miss is the delightful deliciousness of the local cuisine. Make it an even more authentic experience by diving in and learning how to create some dishes yourself with a local expert. 

Take the Backroads

Try to take a few days here and there to step away from the traditional tourist spots and follow the locals instead. You will be amazed at what you find behind the scenes in the midst of the hustle and bustle, and often this is where the true fun is to be had. 

Go to a Festival

Rolls Royce Holi procession

Have you even been to India if you don’t attend a traditional festival? Diwali, for example, is one of those almost magical times that will fill your senses with wonder. If you are planning on being there around one of these famous events, just make sure you book all of your accommodations well in advance.

A Few Things to Know: Traveller Advice

As with visiting any country that is not your home, there are a few things you must pick up before you arrive, so you don’t offend anyone or stick out like a sore thumb. Think about the following. 

Heed These Warnings

There are also a few things that you should never do when you step foot in any Indian city or suburb. For instance, while the temples are a beautiful thing to behold regardless of where you are, you must never wear your shoes inside! Other things that may seem random to you but are extremely important in Indian culture include never handing someone anything with a left hand, wearing suitable attire, and avoiding public displays of affection. It’s always respectful to follow the cultural expectations when visiting another country, after all.  

Deciding How Long You Want to Visit

To get the full experience, you have to decide how long you want to visit for. It is very easy to apply for your India visa online, and there are a variety of options too. Decide what your visit will be, and ensure you acquire the correct documentation so that you’re not facing any unnecessary delays when you arrive in the country. This way, any traveller can get on with their journey with a proper visa and a whole bunch of new horizons to explore. 

When travelling to India, there are a number of places to tick off the list. To make the most of your time in this wonderful place, it is always a good idea to plan ahead, allow plenty of time, and prepare every step of the way. Stay safe by learning and following local culture rules and most of all, go make some core memories and have fun. 

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